PSYCH-K® Sessions

These PSYCH-K® sessions are most effective for:

  • Transforming mindset to make manifesting easier
  • Resolving trauma and fears
  • Eliminating stress and anxiety around finances, relationships, health, and more
  • Aligning energy and removing energy blocks
  • Enhancing mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well being
  • Removing allergies
  • Increasing intuition and inner guidance

In this 1:1 session, you’ll uncover the subconscious beliefs that have been blocking your progress and reprogram them to create your new reality.

Questions & Answers

In this session, you'll discover and reprogram the limiting beliefs in your subconscious which are sabotaging your dreams. Reprogramming your subconscious can be helpful in reaching your dreams because reality is created at the intersection of thoughts, feelings, and actions. Your dreams are your conscious mind and your thoughts / feelings are your subconscious mind. This session will get your subconscious to support your conscious desires. Then it will be on you to take action to actually create your preferred reality.

Sessions are specific to individuals and depend on their level of curiosity, commitment, and their specific condition / situation.

Confidentiality and discretion are always guaranteed.

Book a Session

Create a list of challenges you are facing, goals you’d like to achieve, and changes you’d like to make – this will ensure you make the most of the session.

Bring the following items to your session and have them at your ready:
The list you created of challenges, goals, and changes
Drinking water
Materials with which to write

For the session, situate yourself in a quiet, private area where you can sit comfortably, free of distraction. Make sure your internet connection is strong enough to support audio and video. Your hands need to be free during the session, so choose a place where you can leave your phone, tablet, or computer such that we can see each other during the video chat.

Sessions last 45 minutes.
In the first 5 - 10 minutes you will describe the situation / condition you would like to resolve or the goal you would like to reach. We will then find the subconscious beliefs and perceptions that are crucial for you in creating your desired state.

I will guide you through the “Balance” process, which will allow you to integrate the new beliefs and perceptions you selected to facilitate creating your goals. Each balance will take a few minutes.

Finally, you will develop an action plan during the session to implement all of the new beliefs and perceptions you integrated. You’ll put that plan into practice following the session and observe the results in your life.

I suggest starting with one session.
Typically the method I work with requires a limited number of sessions to work through a single condition / situation.
You may notice changes during the session, immediately afterwards, or even in the following days. You are welcome to book subsequent sessions whenever you prefer.

For additional sessions on a previously unaddressed condition / situation, you are welcome to book another session as soon as you would like.

For follow-up sessions related to the same condition / situation previously addressed, I would recommend you allow for two weeks between sessions. That amount of time will provide you with space to observe changes in your daily life and decide whether another session would be helpful and what additional changes you’d like to create.

Wherever you are most comfortable :)
This session will be done remotely via google meet and you will be sent a personalized link for our meeting. I recommend situating yourself in a quiet, private area – free of distraction and with good internet connection.

If you would prefer an in-person session, submit an inquiry through this form.

Sessions are $555 and 45-minutes long.

Book a Session

In this session, I will guide you through reprogramming your subconscious beliefs and perceptions. The method we will work with is a fast and easy way to change your beliefs and perceptions to produce the change you would like to create in your life. Other modalities involve the conscious mind becoming aware of the subconscious operations, but are limited in their ability to actually create change. Becoming conscious is often not enough to change because the conscious mind only runs ~5% of our lives and has limited horsepower to override the subconscious, which governs the remaining 95%.

The subconscious can be changed through trauma, repetition, hypnosis, or a category I’ll call energy work – which includes EMDR, EFT Tapping, and PSYCH-K®. During the session we will work with PSYCH-K® because it is fast (unlike repetition and EFT Tapping) and because you will retain complete agency throughout the process (unlike with hypnosis). PSYCH-K® is a process which is deeply respectful of clients and honors their agency and power.

Book a Session

Working together can make creating your dreams as quick and easy as possible. We accomplish this by identifying beliefs and perceptions that are crucial to your success and then help you download them for lasting effect with PSYCH-K®. At the same time you’ll remove energy blockages that have been keeping you stuck. This process works because reality manifests at the intersection of your beliefs (thoughts and feelings) and action. During your session you get your beliefs aligned with your desires so that any actions you take afterwards can be more fruitful.

It would be my honor to support you through whatever you are facing. Thus far, I have guided clients and myself through a number of journeys including:
Becoming free, fulfilled, and joyful
Attracting / creating loving, harmonious relationships
Attracting / creating wealth in ways that actually feel good
Becoming healthy
Finding themselves
Increasing confidence, self esteem, and self-awareness
Increasing creativity and self expression
Moving into and thriving at a new role, business, or passion
Reducing stress
Releasing trauma
Relieving chronic pain, anxiety, and depression
Finding peace after loss (of relationship, loved one, role, and identity)
Curbing self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviors (including addictions)
Creating an authentic feeling of safety and belonging in the world
Getting back into the body after prolonged dissociation
Finding / creating community and connection

Book a Session

Join one of the Manifestation Masterminds to learn how to do PSYCH-K® for yourself. I organize these programs in NYC, across the US, and in Bermuda.

Register Here

This session is not a substitute for medical treatment – I am not a medical professional and do not diagnose or treat anyone.

That said, this session may complement your medical care by changing any limiting subconscious beliefs and perceptions you have related to the situation / condition concerning you to affirming ones that may positively influence your well-being.

The link between mind and body has been well documented and this process of subconscious change can be helpful in your journey to creating a satisfying, joyful life on the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels. Sometimes a condition / situation improves dramatically through changing subconscious beliefs, which is why I offer these sessions.

Allergies may be a physical manifestation of a subconscious mental emotional trigger. Once the trigger is neutralized through changing the subconscious perceptions and beliefs around it, the physical symptom may subside as well.

Sessions can be cancelled for refund 48 hours before the appointment. Cancellations within 48 hours and no-shows are not eligible for refund.

Sessions can be rescheduled 24 hours before the appointment.

Client Experiences

  • I really wanted a cat, but I got rashes as soon as I got near them. I heard Emma may be able to help so I booked a session. We didn't even really talk about cats during it but somehow it actually worked. I’m no longer allergic to them and now I have Pika.
    Lena Yeo - YouTuber
  • I was experiencing serious health complications and was trying to heal when I found Emma through Bruce Lipton. We did a few sessions over a couple of months in which we discovered a number of surprising beliefs that were keeping me sick. A few weeks after reprogramming them I had a full recovery. I'd been grappling with it for almost a decade so finally getting relief honestly felt like a miracle. I believe working with Emma played a big part in my success.
    David W.
  • I've done a few sessions with Emma. After one session I got a promotion and after another I got my dream job. I was feeling stuck before so I don't think it's a coincidence that all this good stuff happened once we worked together on them...
    Amanda A.