What to Expect

In addition to your specific interests, through this membership you will be able to uplevel these 7 key areas in your life:

  1. Relationships — Heal old wounds and create new beliefs to support healthy, loving relationships
  2. Self-Confidence — Cultivate a belief in your competency and discover a new willingness to take positive, decisive action in your life
  3. Prosperity & Success — Replace limiting beliefs around money and increase your capacity for affluence and success as you define it
  4. Self-Esteem — Reconnect with yourself and begin to deeply appreciate, accept, and encourage yourself
  5. Health — Reduce emotional stress and prime your mental emotional state for optimal health
  6. Grief & Loss — Resolve painful memories, forgive, let-go, and create greater peace and happiness for yourself
  7. Spirituality — Reconnect with divinity and life at large


How to Get Started

New members are accepted only once per year. New member orientation happens in NYC over three days. Each day starts at 9am. Days 1 and 2 end at 6pm. Day 3 ends at 4pm.

Day 1

  • Learn how the conscious, subconscious, and superconscious minds function separately and work together with each other and with life. You'll also learn how to work with them to co-create reality
  • Learn a unique muscle testing technique that to discover what your subconscious believes. Even if you're familiar with muscle testing, this material is enriching
  • Learn two processes to transform beliefs that are applicable to any condition, situation, belief, memory, and perception. They will open up a whole new beautiful world to you

Day 2

  • Clearly identify your desires and who you need to become in order to achieve them
  • Learn how to craft Goal Statements to update your beliefs and apply them in the two Balances from Day 1
  • Learn how to self muscle test so that you can complete the Balances independently for yourself whenever and wherever you prefer

Day 3

  • Learn how to modify a Balance from Day 1 to transform feelings towards a situation, condition, memory, or trigger from negative to neutral. This process can be useful in relieving the mental, emotional, and sometimes physical effects of stress by helping the subconscious to reach a state of peace and non-attachment
  • Develop a custom action plan and discuss how actions contribute to manifestations along with thoughts and feelings (collectively, beliefs)
  • Practice what you've learned over the past three days and increase your confidence using these processes with yourself and others

Participant Experiences

  • This membership with Emma has changed my life. The processes are so simple and yet they just make life feel easier. Definitely one of the best investments I've made...
    Adina - Senior Executive in Finance

Questions & Answers

Sign up for the newsletter to be notified of upcoming dates and locations.

In this workshop you will learn a number of rapid mindset change processes that clear subconscious limiting beliefs and support growth in every area of life. These processes help release stress from the body and uncover beliefs, messages, and lessons that cause challenges in life such as blocks, stress, health issues, allergies, phobias, sticky situations, and more. They also help to resolve those beliefs to make it easier for you to create a better reality.

It's important to address the subconscious mind when you'd like to create a new reality for yourself because it processes 40 million bits of information per second while the conscious mind processes only 40 bits per second. As a result, the subconscious mind will override any conscious desires with which it disagrees. The processes you will learn enable you to quickly get your subconscious aligned with your conscious desires.

These processes create this alignment by syncing both hemispheres of the brain, producing a “whole-brain state.” As such, they enable participants to quickly and easily create improved sustainable behaviors, attitudes, thoughts and perceptions for themselves. While the processes only take only a few minutes to complete, the results of them may be felt and experienced very quickly and could evolve over time (hours, days, weeks, months).

Nearly all human behavior originates at the subconscious level of the mind and like many of the world’s great spiritual and intellectual traditions, the practical application of these processes in our lives brings a greater sense of purpose and satisfaction mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Everyone is welcome to join this workshop.

You will benefit the most from it, however, if you are committed to creating a better life for yourself.

You will also be able to facilitate these processes with others, even in a professional capacity, if you feel so inclined.

The workshop is priced as accessible as possible because there is much more value globally in teaching as many people as possible to facilitate for themselves and others than to limit my impact to 1:1 sessions and individual coaching.

These processes are extremely useful tools for cultivating inner peace and my intention in sharing them as broadly as I can is to facilitate inner peace among as many people possible.

I believe the more peace is experienced internally on an individual level, the more peace will manifest externally on a global level.

This workshop and the processes taught within it are not a substitute for medical treatment – I am not a medical professional and do not diagnose or treat anyone.

That said, this work may complement your medical care by changing any limiting subconscious beliefs and perceptions you have related to the situation / condition concerning you to affirming ones that may positively influence your well-being.

The link between mind and body has been well documented and this process of subconscious change can be helpful in your journey to creating a satisfying, joyful life on the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels. Sometimes a condition / situation improves dramatically through changing subconscious beliefs, which is why I offer 1:1 coaching and workshops.

In case Orientation is postponed or canceled, participants who have already paid will be given the option to choose whether to use their payment for the rescheduled Orientation or be fully refunded.

In case the participant withdraws her/his registration, up to 30 days before the Orientation date: the Membership fee can be refunded deducting the credit/debit card processing and registration fees (2.9% + 30 cents + 3.50 USD) or the participant might choose to use the option to apply their payment for an Orientation within a 12 month period.

In case the participant withdraws her/his registration within the last 30 days before the Orientation date or does not attend the Orientation: Payment will be applied for a future Orientation within a 12 month period.

In case the participant attends part of the Orientation but does not complete the full three days, no refund will be given.

It is possible the venue of the Orientation may be changed within the same city when necessary. Participants will be informed about the new address within a reasonable time frame. Travel, accommodation, and food costs are not included in the price. In case of cancellation, postponement or the location change within the same city, the participant is responsible for the occurring costs (travel, accommodation, food, etc.) of the changes and the refund does not include such costs.