Master Your Power

You have the power to create a life you love. Together we're exploring ways to make your dreams happen on all levels: mentally, emotionally, physically, & spiritually.

Create Your Peace

Gain a feeling of inner peace or confidence around a chronic health condition, relationship, recent loss, stressful role, or some other concern / goal and an action plan to create your preferred reality in this private session. Learn more....


Learn to manifest, grow personally, and transform your health, wealth, and relationships through 1:1 sessions, workshops, insights, books, and products. These people, practices, and places were immensely helpful in my personal journey and may be able to help you on yours as well.

Meet Emma

I serve as a spiritual life coach, Preferred PSYCH-K® Facilitator, and modern mystic. I help people unlock their full potential at all levels so that they can live without limits. My philosophy bridges science, psychology, and spirituality and I share every resource I find helpful - no matter how unconventional...


About Emma

My mission is to uplift and empower people.

As a coach, I create a space where great people get more out of themselves and become more of who they really are. 

What makes me qualified to be a coach? For starters, I've built a 10 out of 10 life for myself filled with love, adventure, learning, and freedom. It didn't start out that way...

When I was younger, I struggled to find my purpose, just checking the boxes other people had said would make me (or them) happy: excelling in highly competitive schools, winning coveted roles in finance, and maintaining relationships only for comfort. It was deeply dissatisfying and I felt there had to be more to life than being perfect on paper. It took some time, but I shifted my perspective and radically transformed my life. I removed and/or revised roles and relationships that are not aligned with my values. I discovered and leaned into who I really am.

Now I do what I love with people I love. My clients include entrepreneurs, investors, public figures, and professional athletes among other exceptional individuals. I live in a Manhattan apartment with a 180 degree view of the skyline and I can afford everything (within reason) that I choose. My romantic and social life is very fulfilling. I go on plenty of travels / adventures and am fit, healthy, and happy.

When I say "You can have it all", I’m speaking from experience. I see no limits: everything is possible. I believe that I can be anyone and have everything I choose. I also believe that you can have all of this too, and more, if you do the work.

I fully devote my time to coaching ~10 extraordinary people at a time, focusing on the depth of our work more than a width of clients. I fully believe in coaching. I have benefited greatly from being coached and I have seen the profound effects of coaching on my clients as well as other coaches'.


Fun Facts About Me

• I'm not always happy.
• I sometimes curse.
• I love to sing, dance, hike and surf.
• I always laugh at my own jokes. Sometimes other people join in.
• I am highly confident, but never arrogant.
• I'll do most anything once.
• I'm just really curious and pretty much devoid of fear.
• In everything I do, I aim for mastery and never settle.
• I am equal parts spiritual and material. Even Buddha carried water and chopped wood after enlightenment.
• The more I learn, the less I know. However, there are a few things I know exceptionally well: people, personal development, and the psychology of success, love, and happiness"



The initial consultation is on me. The purpose of this ~2h-long meeting is:

  • To get to know each other and determine if we have the right chemistry.
  • For me to fully understand what your needs and wants are.
  • For you to ask any questions you might have.

Serious and appropriate inquiries can be made at

Note confidentiality and discretion are always guaranteed.


Areas of Expertise

Love + Dating
Purpose + Mindset
Performance + Stress Management
Health + Wellness
Friends + Family
Vices + Patterns
Mindfulness + Spirituality

Book Time with me


“Emma helped me recover balance and find the magic again both in my personal and professional life. This experience has been invaluable. I would highly recommend working with her"

- Natalia A. -

Serial Entrepreneur, Vancouver.